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Knowle Golf Club

What to Wear & Etiquette


    Recognised golfing wear is fine. If the style of shoes and clothing can be purchased in our shop or a recognised golfing outlet and/or they are worn on the professional tours, then they can be worn on the golf course.

    Please respect the following:

    • T-Shirts, Football/Rugby Shirts and Denim Jeans are not permitted.
    • Shorts must be of smart, tailored appearance.
    • Mobile phones must be switched to silent at all times.

    We simply want everyone to be comfortable and for all to enjoy a clean and tidy facility that should be seen as a home away from home.

    Please respect the following:

    • No Hats indoors.
    • No Golf Shoes (of any description).
    • No soiled/wet clothing or workwear.
    • Please do not come in without footwear or in bare feet.
    • Mobile phones should be on silent and any calls recieved or made, taken outside.

    Whilst we do not insist on official handicap certificates, Knowle is a challenging course and we ask that all visitors are proficient and able to play to a reasonable standard and not hold up play. Each player must have their own set of Clubs, proper golf shoes and is expected to know and carry out the normal etiquette of golf.